Once a year, usually around the Columbus Day weekend, we do an “Italian-American” themed tailgate. It is a crowd favorite and a highlight of the TailgateJoe season. The biggest issue with this theme is breakfast and specifically the omission of Taylor ham pork roll from the menu. The Taylor ham sandwiches are a staple of the TailgateJoe tailgate for early games, and when I omit it from the menu I always get some people who are disappointed. When it comes to the Italian-American tailgate, pork roll just doesn’t really fit in……..until now. I give you, the “Taylor Swings Through Brooklyn” sandwich.

Here we start with the NJ famous Taylor Ham, also known as pork roll. It gets sliced and griddled on the flat top for a few minutes, then topped with provolone cheese. Next, home made fig jam is slathered onto a fresh custom baked Italian bread roll from Royal Crown Bakery, and some peppery baby arugula is added for a little lightly spicy crunch. I think the Italian treatment really plays well off the hickory smoked ham.