American Chopper Orange County Chopper jets tailgate party

American Chopper Is Filming With TailgateJoe

American Chopper Episode To Be Filmed at New York Jets Tailgate Party!

Last Friday I was up in Newburgh, NY at the Orange County Choppers headquarters filming with Paul Sr., Jason, Jim, and the rest of the gang of the hit TLC series American Chopper. For those of you who were planning on hooking up with us down in Tampa before we bailed last minute, this was the reason.

Anyway, Paul and the gang are working on a really cool smoker/grill and being that most of the shop is Jet fans wanted to unveil it at a Jets home game. They heard about TailgateJoe and the great parties we throw for all the games so they contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if they could come out for the 12/20 game to show off what they have been working on and partake in one of our parties. OF course they will be filming this all for an episode to be aired some time in January/February.

This event perfectly coincides with a new announcement we will be making about something near and dear to my heart, The Leukemia And Lymphoma Society and another charity event I am organizing. As a Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor myself, this organization has special meaning, and having the exposure of a great show like American Chopper hopefully will really allow us to accomplish our goals of raising money and awareness for this terrible disease.

A lot of the guys from the shop will be making the trip, including Paul Sr himself. I spent a few hours up there at their shop where I got to see some of their great bikes and had the opportunity to chat with a bunch of the guys from the shop. My brother Nicky and I had a great time and were pretty surprised how friendly everyone was up there. Now I just need to figure out how to get the money to get one of those bikes!

So please everyone, come join us this Sunday 12/20 for the Atlanta Falcons game! There will be great food and fun as always, and some special guests as well!

Oh, and here’s a few pics from my visit there last week…

Meet the Author


Joe "TailgateJoe" Maino is one of the country's foremost authorities on tailgating and NFL fandom, BBQ, grilling, and all forms of live fire cooking. Starting out over 20 years ago as the tailgate organizer for his group of friends on gameday where he quickly developed a passion. Joe formed TailgateJoe in 2009 to share his love of the Jets, NFL fandom, and live fire cooking with others, and now hosts thousands of guests each season as well as providing catering and event hosting for select corporations and high end events. Joe is always available to talk BBQ and live fire cooking gadgets and techniques, the Jets, and NFL fandom as an expert in the field.

4 comments… add one
  • Bob's Blitz Dec 14, 2009, 4:09 pm

    Nice job and good luck with the charity work. How do folks contribute to your Leukemia And Lymphoma Society?

    • Joe Dec 14, 2009, 6:26 pm

      I will have details of the next event at the game, and then it will be posted on the site.

  • Villain The Foe Dec 14, 2009, 7:53 pm

    Good stuff guys! Congrats on the latest connect. Good to see good dudes succeeding in their endeavors.

    Congrats Gentlemen!

  • Uncle Ken Dec 19, 2009, 8:11 pm


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