2020 NY Jets Tailgate Schedule

As the schedule comes out today and I am writing this in early May, there is a lot of uncertainty with exactly how the season will unfold. I don’t want to get too involved in all of that, because soon enough whatever I say here could b e outdated, and I don’t want to have to keep coming back here to update the blow by blow.

What I am prepared to say now is that just like we have done since 2009, through winter storms and impending hurricanes just off the coast at game time, if there are games played, and if fans are allowed in the stadium, and we are allowed to have our game day fan club tailgate party, we will be there, in the green and white and ready to cheer on our team with fellow fans.

It is pretty much a fact that even if games and fans and tailgating continues this season, some things will be a little different. As we get closer to the season and see how everything shakes out, I want to assure our guests that we will take all possible precautions to make sure our parties are held in the safest and cleanest way possible. If you have been to our parties before and paid any attention to the crew cooking, you have noticed that we always wear and change gloves and have hand sanitizer for the crew and guests, so proper food safety has always been a part of how I run things. As we get closer, there will be more to share with you about what we will be doing.

We will not be putting our season tailgate pass or individual game tailgate passes up for registration at this time, but we are committed to being there and will put them up on the site as the picture becomes a little more clear.

As always, feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or questions, or if you want to discuss private events for the season, at joe@tailgatejoe.com

As we get closer, there will be more to share with you about what we will be doing.

Season Tailgate Passes

If you are planning on joining us for a few games, the TGJ Season Tailgate Pass is a great option. In addition to being a significant savings off the gameday donation, it helps us raise some funds early for equipment purchases we need to make in preparation for the season.


Individual Game Registration


VIP Tent

We offer an upgraded semi private VIP experience for those with a small group that want to join the biggest and best NY Jets tailgate party at Metlife, but also want a small private area for their group. These are in limited supply, with between zero to three available per game depending on the schedule and bookings. There are two options:

  • For a flat fee of $450 we offer a tent/keg option. We set up a 10×10 tent and personal keg plus co2 draft system.
  • For a flat fee of $650 we offer a tent/keg/waitress option. This includes everything plus a waitress who will skip the food lines and handle getting food for the group.

These fees are on top of the per head donation for that game, which typically runs $35-$50 depending on game and tailgate party menu. These are meant for groups of 4-20 people. You can also contact us at joe@tailgatejoe.com for other options to enhance your VIP tent.

Upgraded Experiences

For those that want something a little different, like a special menu, your own tent, etc. Want a full NY Steak house spread with the top prime grade cuts available? Italian specialties? An oyster bar? A parking lot poker party? We can make it happen.

Meet the Author


Joe "TailgateJoe" Maino is one of the country's foremost authorities on tailgating and NFL fandom, BBQ, grilling, and all forms of live fire cooking. Starting out over 20 years ago as the tailgate organizer for his group of friends on gameday where he quickly developed a passion. Joe formed TailgateJoe in 2009 to share his love of the Jets, NFL fandom, and live fire cooking with others, and now hosts thousands of guests each season as well as providing catering and event hosting for select corporations and high end events. Joe is always available to talk BBQ and live fire cooking gadgets and techniques, the Jets, and NFL fandom as an expert in the field.

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